Extending serverside applications with WebAssembly

16:15-16:45, Hall 1A

You’ve been there. Searching for that missing API. Knowing you’d be done already if you could inject just a little bit of custom logic into an existing service.

…And knowing that your users face the same struggle with your application.

This talk explores how WebAssembly’s ability to safely execute user-provided code is powering a new wave of application extensibility.

We’ll take a critical look at server-side WebAssembly in production with an emphasis on its security, performance, and ergonomics. You’ll leave understanding what WebAssembly is, what it’s good at, what it’s NOT good at, how it compares to alternative solutions, and what to expect from the broader WebAssembly ecosystem in the coming year.

This talk is appropriate for anyone with an interest in understanding WebAssembly, but is most relevant for people working in backend, full-stack, or devops roles.