Claire Burn

“Claire is currently a Security Data Engineer at Elastic, working remotely in Belfast. She’s really passionate about community, diversity and inclusion within the tech industry, believing that the arts can be an amazing way to spearhead change within tech. She recently completed an MSc in Cyber Security at QUB, passing with Distinction after completing her BEng Computer Science a year prior. She has spent 8 years in leadership roles in the Belfast branch of the global not-for-profit organization Women Who Code, which she recently stepped down from, and she received a UK-wide TechWomen50 award for her diversity & inclusion work during this time. She is the founder of the Google-sponsored Women Techmakers Belfast conference, and has spoken at many conferences and events, most notably AppSec EU and the international “Women In Leadership In a Changing World”. She has authored courses for LinkedIn Learning on Python coding, and in her (rare) moments of free time, she enjoys cooking, singing, drinking tea and playing “Dungeons & Dragons” with friends.”

Security Data Magic With Elastic Cloud & Python